After the sad demise of Granite Strikers Powerchair Football Club back in 2016, there’s hope that the sport can be offered regularly once again following a successful pilot session.
5 potential players from across the Grampian area joined staff from the Scottish Powerchair Football Association (SPFA) and coaches from Tayside Dynamo Powerchair Football Club for an action-packed afternoon where they were put through their paces in a series of drills and 1 v 1 games.
The taster session came about after an enquiry from a parent sparked a high level of local interest in relaunching the Club, as well as a very well-timed enquiry from Lewis McConnell from the SPFA who is keen to grow participation in the sport across the country.
With a handful of participants itching to get playing, a suitable venue identified, and local coach, Norman Innes, keen to step up to lead the team, the path is paved for the Club to successfully relaunch in the summer term. A planning meeting will be held at the end of April to arrange suitable training days and times, and to help form the Club committee.
If you (or someone you know) is a powerchair user or keen to volunteer, and would like to get involved in the relaunch of the Club, please get in touch with Alison Shaw (Regional Manager for Scottish Disability Sport) on 07828 744 848 or alison.shaw@scottishdisabilitysport.com
A huge thank you goes to Garry from Tayside Dynamo, Ryan and Lewis from the SPFA, Andrinne from Sport Aberdeen and coach Norman for running such a successful event.